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Selectmen Minutes 01/31/2012
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
January 31, 2012

Members present:  Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio, Jeff Jordan
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Bruce Dyke, Norm LaRochelle, Steve MacCleery, John Martel, Ed Millette, Jason Weir, Mike Williams, Doug Hall and approximately 40 members of the public.

Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  

Public Hearing – 2012 proposed budget and warrant articles

Chairman DeBold opened the public hearing.  The public hearing was facilitated by Moderator, Doug Hall.

The Board thanked the Budget Committee and Department Heads. John Martell has informed the Selectmen that this will be his last budget season and Mr. Paveglio recognized John for his many years of service.

The Revenues were reviewed with little comment.

During the Budget review there were questions about the new cruiser and how many we have.  The Town has four cruisers and they are on a rotational replacement schedule.  
There was a question regarding the asphalt line.  The Road Agent listed the intended projects for that money.  It was clarified that the budget line item is for maintenance and the re-building of roads will appear in a warrant article.  

There were questions regarding the donations to the Community Action Program and Red Cross.  It was explained that these line items (including Crimeline) were budgeted at $1 and it is the intent of the Selectmen to review the budget toward the end of the year and fund those lines with money from areas that may be under spent.  
Health Insurance was discussed.  The Town is faced with a 10.2% increase and some changes in enrollment.  The Board has looked at other options and met with the employees.  No changes to the benefit have been made to date, but the Board continues to look at options.

The article for Carpenter Park was discussed.  Many spoke in support of the article with the emphasis that the School and Town worked together on this project and that much of the funding is through grants which may be lost if the project is not completed this year.  The Budget Committee did not recommend the article because they felt this was more of a want vs. a need and they are trying to keep the tax rate low.  There will be a public hearing for this project on February 8th.

There was a discussion on the Fire Truck article.  The budget committee would like to see more savings then a purchase.  The Selectmen felt the Fire Department has demonstrated an immediate need for this purchase.   If this article passes the $50,000 that is proposed to be deposited into the Capital Reserve Fund will be dropped on the floor of Town Meeting.
The Library Community room article was discussed.  The Board and Committee felt this was a want vs. a need.

Many spoke in favor of the article and felt there was a need for additional space.

The Public Hearing was closed.

There was discussion among the Board and Committee as to the number ordering of the warrant.  It was decided that for this year there will be a random drawing; which will establish the numbering for this year.  In the future all articles submitted will be time and date stamped.  

It was suggested by Nancy that a re-vote occur on the recommendations after the public input.  A vote was taken on the re-vote and it resulted in 5 yes and 5 no.  Since there was no majority (a tie) the motion did not pass and no re-vote was taken.

Other Business
Abatement:  Mr. DeBold made a motion seconded by Mr. Paveglio  to accepted an administrative abatement for interest charged in error in the amount of $38.22 for tax map 5 ; lot 102.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (e) Mr. DeBold made a motion at 10:30 seconded by Mr. Paveglio to enter into non-public session to discuss a legal matter.  The roll call vote was unanimous.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 Mr. DeBold made a motion at 10:38 seconded by Mr. Paveglio to exit the non-public session.  The roll call vote was unanimous.
The minutes were sealed indefinitely.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 10:39pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Tanner

_______________________         _________________________      ________________________
 Richard DeBold, Chairman            D.  Michael Paveglio                                Jeffrey Jordan